Update: 5 New Features

Update: 5 New Features

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Exciting news! The Version 1.2 patch for the FPS Chess game is here, bringing a host of improvements and new features. Check out the highlights below:

  1. New Game Mode: Prepare for the arrival of Blitz Mode, a fast-paced and action-packed variant of FPS Chess. Test your speed and strategic thinking as you race against the clock to defeat your opponents.
  2. Champion Skins: Customize your chess pieces with a wide range of new champion skins. Stand out on the battlefield with unique and eye-catching designs that reflect your personal style.
  3. Tactical Abilities: Version 1.2 introduces tactical abilities that can be used strategically during matches. Unlock and utilize these powerful abilities to gain an edge over your opponents and turn the tide of battle.
  4. Ranked Matches: Prove your skills and climb the ranks with the introduction of ranked matches in Version 1.2. Compete against players of similar skill levels and strive to reach the top of the leaderboards.
  5. Performance Optimization: We've made significant performance optimizations in this patch, ensuring smoother gameplay and reduced lag. Experience FPS Chess like never before, with improved frame rates and overall stability.